Invest in the gospel on the Peninsula

The New Testament teaches us to give generously, regularly, and joyfully. At Grace Church Peninsula there are different areas you can invest financially in.

1. General Ministry Giving at Grace Church Peninsula

General giving supports the work we do to reach people with the gospel and to then grow them as God’s people here on the Peninsula.

Regular Direct Deposit bank details for General Ministry Giving:

Account Name: Grace Church Peninsula
BSB: 704-922
Account No: 100018417
Reference Field: Please tag giving with your congregation (e.g. “Morning Giving” or “Night Giving”)

General Ministry

Note that PayPal deducts 2.6% from any gift.

2. Mission Giving at Grace Church Peninsula

As a church committed to the spread of the gospel worldwide we have a growing number of mission partners and we urge you to choose one (or more if you wish) to whom you are especially committed both prayerfully and financially. These are YouthLife, Geneva, the Australian church planting organisation. G & M in South East Asia and M in the Middle East. 

Direct Deposit Bank details for Mission Giving:

Account Name: Grace Church Peninsula
BSB: 704-922
Account No: 100018417
Reference Field: Please tag giving with your mission partner and congregation (e.g. “Geneva Morning Giving”)

Mission Giving
Note that PayPal deducts 2.6% from any gift.

3. Property Giving: Peninsula Grow

Securing our Future is focused on the Property Development Budget.

Peninsula Grow is about investing in our mission to the Coast and beyond. While we intend to be a giving, serving and sending church with an eye to the mission beyond us there will be a need to invest in our own facilities on the Peninsula. Such giving is currently not tax-deductible.

Direct Deposit bank details for Property Giving:

Account Name: Grace Church Peninsula
BSB: 704-922
Account No: 100016830
Reference Field: Please tag giving with your name.

Property Giving
Note that PayPal deducts 2.6% from any gift.

4. Mercy Fund

We want to care for those in need in our community. If you’d like to help you can contribute to our mercy fund 
Regular Direct Deposit bank details for Mercy Fund Giving:
Account Name: Grace Church Peninsula
BSB: 704-922
Account No: 100018417
Reference Field: Please tag giving “mercy fund”